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Friday 25 July 2014

A powerful article & Trouble at t'mill - - again

Here's a very powerful article about Hiroshima and the dropping of the Atomic bomb on August 6th 1945
The pic is of Shinji Mikamo who is still alive, a miracle in its own right as he was very close to the epicentre of the bomb blast.
Its a long long time since 1945 but take the time out to read the story there are a few quotes in there that show us how maybe we should all be living our lives - - -

A damning bit of a story this one
which go's to prove that we have no idea what is behind those neat rows of trussed up chickens on our supermarket shelves.  Its looking like all the big supermarkets are having the finger pointed at them here.
Its a sad litany of accusations that indicate we could all be getting poisoned in the end.
One more product of "one stop" gigantic shops I guess - - -

Costa Concordia is finally towed away
from its crash site by the town of Giglio.  After nearly 2 years and one of the most expensive maritime salvage operations the ship will be scrapped at Genoa.
The Captain, Francesco Schettino is still on trial for the disaster and sticking to his story that everyone but him is at fault.  We all might know someone like that - - - pathetic but sad at the same time.
Taking a leaf out of the story at the top of the blog "We need to be able to understand people with different values" - - - - - -

A note of predictable optimism from the Express!

Lets hope this headline is correct though! I do like the Commonwealth Athletes selfie with H.M. the Queen in the background

The home countries have got off to a good start haven't they

Closer to home
I had a rather stilted conversation with my boss at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) the other day. It revolved around me having booked 2 days off next week Monday and Wednesday.  For whatever reason the "system" had been marked up to give me Friday and Saturday off.
So here I sit on one of the busiest shop days with tomorrow being the busiest feeling rather pleased with myself!

The "Fun Factory" though was "anything but" yesterday though.  As I wandered in I always flick a glance down one of the main pedestrian isles and "sure enough" the overnight delivery rollers for my isle were there in all their glory untouched.
This meant the night shift once again for whatever reason were not about to work our overnight delivery, it would be left to me to do.  On a positive note my "Team leader" lets call him Dave announced that he would be working with me for the day.  This in itself didn't fire me with too much confidence because i have had similar signals only to find he has been "drafted" elsewhere".  Anyway with few interruptions we rose to the "challenges and Opportunities of the day"

Anon colleague though looked a little flustered and on mentioning it to them a flood of tears ensued.  Comforting words calmed the situation a little but I fear their frustration, emanating from, and fall-out because of the dreaded "hours matching" will be with us for some time.  "Debacle" is a respectful word to describe its idea, prosecution and after effects.

Having said all that
Focus! focus! and Nil illegitemi carborundum, onwards and upwards.

Logging lazing, and some forward planning today methinks

Enjoy the day
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