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Tuesday 1 July 2014

The right to work at home & Predator fly by!

This article covers the "rights of workers" to work from home 
I well remember when I had a full time job relishing the fact that "working from home" was part of the deal due to the number of locations I had to visit.
While not wishing the daily commute on anyone these days I imagine the guidence rules for this idea must be pretty complex - - -
I wonder if Sainsbugs would let me work from home? - - -

Mentioning Sainsbugs here's an odd story
Realising the "bubble has to burst" it would appear that Sainsbury's and Netto  are going to jump into bed together.  An odd bedfellow for Sainsburys you might think as Netto gave up there "assault" on our shores a few years back and left the cheap end of the market to the likes of Lidl & Aldi.
With Justin King leaving and Mike Coupe taking over I wonder just who's idea this was? - - -
Being a bit of a follower of the "Get us out of the EU"  group
 i applauded the election to the top spot of Mr Junker seen at left with his buddy Angelica.  - - - I just hope the "shock horror" implications haven't had time to wear off before we all get the chance to say Out or In! - - -

The Star headline

provides a tongue in cheek comment about Giant Rats invading the Big Bro House. - - - - Joining all the others already in there then? - - -

Closer to home
Its the 1st of July today and the early morning pic from the top of the garden revealed a "predator" i had not noticed when i took the shot
A heron was cruising down the valley and can clearly be seen in the pic
A walk the other day shows the grass has been cut in the local fields
While the river Derwent glides serenely along
The rain is forecast today to spoil the show later so its a bit of logging and then a gentle walk before settling down to watch Wimbledon methinks
Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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