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Wednesday 23 July 2014

Independence and then money for Scotland & bits and bobs

A great story carried by Sky News
The "Scottish Sports Minister", Shona Robinson says she expects "British Taxpayers" to continue fund a Scottish Olympic team of athletes even if Scotland vote "Yes" in the Independence referendum - - - I think that would go down well with the "English Taxpayers" - - -

 It had to happen - - - after we fund our own work shirking large families

The Express is informing us we will be paying £55k in benefits to a newly arrived Migrant family - - - -

No doubt the big supermarkets have already read the rules in this story
Its really a case of "Tell me the old old story" about how to compete with the larger flashy stores and I imagine the big boys are planning how to combat the success! - - Tesco have already "arranged the exit" of their current chief exec, Sainsbury's ceo "left" a couple of weeks ago - - - watch those spaces - - -

The sad end for the cruise ship Costa Concordia is almost here as it prepares to be towed away from the island of Giglio.
I think the locals will collectively heave a huge sigh of relief - - -

 High blood pressure?  the express issued another gem yesterday that we should put yoghurt on the shopping list to do so!  -- -

Closer to home
It was another hot day for logging but Boris helped out
In an effort to only have one pile of wood he's hooked up to the felled trees which are then towed across to the wood pile
Having the log burner going everyday in winter we store a bit of extra wood under Boris's car port.  Years ago I noticed that Tom our old cat used to like sitting under the canopy on the wall.  I put a small piece of carpet up there for him and Sainsbury has taken over that spot. - - -

Back to the Fun Factory (Sainsbugs Matlock) tomorrow I have 2 days holiday booked in this series of shifts but there seems to be some confusion between my list and the duty list? - - -
Enjoy the day
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