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Sunday 20 July 2014

Sign up? & who's pinched our sunshine?

This has to be the saddest looking polar bear in the world
Its in a zoo in Argentina where it has a dirty inadequate pool to swim in.  The earlier death of another polar bear at the same zoo some time ago is the driving force behind the initiative to move the bear to a zoo in Canada

There's a link on the article or follow the one below to sign the petition
Follow this link to sign up!

Our weather yesterday- - - well what else
had some of the flights into and out of Heathrow delayed during a 2 hour period of intense rain storms.
Elsewhere there were flood warnings and reports of lightening damaging buildings.
The current forecast is for the rain to clear and we might even see a little sunshine later

This looks like yet another campaign to stop illegal downloads  of music etc
The "government" is at the heart of it so we "taxpayers" will have no doubt helped provide the £3.5m helping to jolly it along.  Its interesting to note though that some Internet Providers are on board and the story suggests that if you try illegal download sites some kinbd of notice will flash up on your screen. - - - sounds a bit draconian -- - I wonder who really is behind it?  -- -

Closer to home
Yesterday we also spent much of the day looking through the windows wondering when the rain would stop.
With all yesterdays rain (14mm) the pond had a bit of a water change though, the green hosepipe in the shot brings down the water run off from the shed at the top of the garden.  The overflow then is routed down to the normal drains by another pipe
The pic from the top of the garden this morning looks a little damp and misty but the weatherman has promised that we might see some of the sunshine we have got used to later in the day - - - fingers crossed -- -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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