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Saturday 26 July 2014

Don't panic! & another unexpected day off

In an effort to avoid panic!
"Tourism bosses" are trying to re-assure visitors Cornish resorts that the Barrel jellyfish invading the Cornish coast poses "no danger"

I guess the "Tourism bosses" wont be in the water and come up against one of these things that can be a metre in diameter

At the bottom of the story a "conservationist" warns they can sting even when they are washed up on the beach and dead.  - - - looks like a conflict of interests here! - -

Here's a great video
of an iceberg collapsing.  Its starts off with a huge arch and then finally breaks up into a number of bits.  The reaction of the woman on the boat and the comments of some viewers are amusing - - -

Closer to home 

The logging yesterday went well
The pile gets larger, I have covered up a portion so will be working along towards the brashing pile on the right of the pic
Before I finished for the day I felled a few more to tackle today
The reason for this is plain to see here.  The sheep then come along and eat off all the leaves making it easier to get at and then to throw the cut branches up on top of the brashing pile - - - good sheep! - - -

Little Sainsbury the Tabby is spending more and more time in the garden and loves to sunbath underneath Boris's car port roof as blogged before.  We think that a nasty little grey Tabby who used to terrorise him has "moved on"
Nice looking morning today although the weathermen are predicting rain later this p.m.
The garden is looking very good at present but with a few things having had their best time.  We are already planning for next year!
Here's another view of the garden, this time showing our neighbours not yet finished, new fence.  Friends in the terraces on either side are calling it "The Berlin Wall"  - - - it makes our northern pergola very private - - -

Felling to plan! - - - to the logging site without delay

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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