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Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Google Barge must move! & Looks like an Organic day

Is it a plane? is it a bird, ok ok!  No its a barge!   The great secrecy surrounding the "thing" Google has been building tethered to an island in San Francisco Bay has to be moved

It was rumoured to be a giant "Storage facility" for Google data but it turns out to be an "Interactive space" where you can learn about new technology.
Sounds like the Google Development boys/girls had a slack old day when someone came up with that one!  The "building" has to be moved because it doesn't have the, "correct permits".  I'm sure a few heads will roll over that error!!!   - - -

A former UKIP  spokesman has served 7 years in prison because he was found guilty of being "kidnapping gang boss"

Now I know UKIP are looking for "recruits" to join the party but employing a kidnapper and probably his "skills" seems going a bit too far!

Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhuto admitted being the "gang boss" in a kidnapping in Karachi where he received £65.000 ransom in the Arndale Shopping Centre in Manchester!!!!????
You couldn't even make up a story like that could you.  By the way? Who checked his references when he applied for the job with UKIP - - - The sound of heads rolling again!!!

With only a few days to go before the Winter Olympic games begin the BBC gives us a lesson in Ski Speak! accompanied by this pic
Looks to me like they both might have aches and pains on landing.
The story however is designed to help us pronounce Sochi and any number of other Olympic venue names not forgetting the Russian President's name "vlo DEE meer POO tin"to end with.
If I speak Russian I always adopt the accent of the "Compare the meerkat" animation characters? - - -

Closer to home
It was a grey old day yesterday but we still spent some time on our decking project.  A few problems meant it was a bit of a standing around time for Sally and she beat a cold and hasty retreat back to the house early afternoon.
Here we start to put down the decking boards having had problems drilling the holes in the structure base for the balustrade uprights in the pic.  The decking is close to a raised bed and I couldn't get the drill into the correct position.

At one point a pair of collared doves lost patience with waiting for me to go inside and flew down to have a go at the food on the birdfeeder table only a couple of feet away.

I completed laying the decking boards after we finally erected the pergola uprights and even managed to put in all but one of the handrails.  Sally then emerged from the house and insisted I leave "the field of play"  It was getting a little dark though!

Today then, or at least a morning, is meant to be an Organic Garden Project day but I need to check with one of the organisers first.  I will then try to get the pergola top bits up this afternoon weather permitting of course.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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