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Thursday 13 February 2014

Raknomination! & My Chinese netbook lives to fight another day!

I mentioned Necknomination the other day and its "inevitable consequences" for some.  Well here's a twist on it respect nomination or Raknomination (Random Act of Kindness) It all comes from a South African bloke Brent Lindeque who for his Necknomination gave a homeless guy a sandwich a chocolate bar and a bottle of coke.
Obviously the type of bloke needed in "the Gene pool!"  I like his take on his act though, "Downing a can of Castle Light is easy...Imagine if we all harnessed the power of social media to make a real difference in peoples lives"  This man should go far! - - -

One that hopefully will not go far is this bloke wearing a bag on his head!
He's trying to make a point about being accused of plagiarism  some months ago!
Sounds like his mum should slap his legs to me! - - -

Our weather really ramped up yesterday with high winds and rain all over the country.  Thankfully it calmed down a little overnight but now our motorways are feeling the pinch
This sink hole  appeared in the M2 forcing its closure while engineers decided what to do.  Apparently "foam concrete" is the quick fix but more extensive work will be needed.
 Also in the story is a pic of a hole in a couples drive in High Wycombe which swallowed their daughters car!

The Daily Express today
has a rather tame set of headlines about the weather with some of the others coming up with classics
Daily Mirror "Triple Whammy" showing a satellite view of 2 storms heading for the UK
The Sun "Blown to Brits" with a similar pic of just one storm
Its looking like there will not be any relief from this stormy weather until the end ogf the month - - I think that prediction is too far out to call at the moment - - -

Closer to home
With the weather being as bad as it was yesterday, i decided to have a go at repairing my old Asus Eeee PC known as the Chinese Netbook because the keyboard has Chinese characters on it having been bought second hand on holiday in Hong Kong.
I had stripped it down and could not find anything obvious and looking on the internet all the comments pointed to the motherboard being at fault.
I had bought one off ebay and at the same time picked up a a bigger memory module for it.
Just on a hunch I replaced the memory module before doing anything else and it fired up!!!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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