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Sunday 16 February 2014

Climate change/Global warming! Yes it is! no it isn't! & Sunshine today!

We are treated to another barrage of "Storm reporting" from the media and the tragic after effects of the latest one are graphically illustrated In this Sky News Story.
looking more like the aftermath of a tornado this pic of 2 cars shows the force of the storm.
Hundreads of trees are blown down and power is out in parts of the country.
Another fear is that flood water may now contain extremely high concentrations of bacteria which could lead to health scares of epidemics.

The "experts" however are sure that in this BBC story a "Wavier jet stream may be driving this weather shift" Wavier jet stream by the way must be a technical term little known to the casual observer of the manky weather!

The root cause of this problem appears to be the temperatures increasing in the Arctic faster than anywhere else. This is resulting in us having the prolonged period of bad weather we are now having.

Oh no it isn't! says This story in the Mail according to Matt Collins a "professor in  climate systems"

how do you finish up a professor in climate systems I wonder? Anyway he reckons that our recent storms are because the Jet Stream is "stuck" this must be another technical term but probably more understood by the casual observer! further South than usual.
 Both articles are crammed full of the usual rhetoric about the 2 bogeymen here, Global Warming and Climate Change of which neither article has any definitive information or idea when our weather is going to get any better, which surely is ALL WE WANT TO KNOW!!!!
I love looking at the weather, its what "us Brits do" we have a bunch of celebrity weather people who tell us we are going to have a "Barbecue summer" remember that one? it rained continually all summer long.  Another gem was uttered in Nov 2013 "this winter will be drier than usual"

The upshot of this rant however is to point out that a lot of people make a lot of money telling us what our weather is going to be and we love to point out that they are invariably wrong.  Even when we have a spell of bad weather "they" cant even agree what was the root cause of it? - - - Nice money if you can get it! 

The best way of telling what the weather is doing is to stick your head outside and look around although I do like the Metcheck site upwind radar as they call it which gives some indication of approaching precipitation, technical term for rain/snow etc.  
I don't like to believe any forecast that is telling you what the weather is going to be like more than 24 hours ahead.  Even with all their fancy machines and computer models the propensity is for it to be incorrect.
The forecast for today is for wall to wall sunshine but the cloud at the moment which is almost blotting out the blue bits will have to move quickly if we are to see any of it - - -

Closer to home
Our "fevered preparations" for the imminent holiday continue "unabated.  Well we spent an hour or so checking items on  "Zlist" and ironing a few clothes.  Zlist is our XL spreadsheet of things to take on holiday honed to perfection over many years of jetting off in the winter to warmer climes.

Talking of warmer climes the website I check for current weather in the Maldives  is here  and the pool pic has obviously got stuck this morning with the sun illuminating the pool guys preparations for the day.

 The time stamp is indicating 08:19 for some reason Kuredu island is an hour ahead of the other island resorts,  while the one underneath of the beach is showing 13:34?

We spent half an hour running through a couple of books about the various fish we might see snorkelling.  Well if you are going to spend a lot of time staring underwater its handy if you know what you are staring at.

I ventured out into a very blustery garden yesterday and the clearing up from the decking project moves on reasonably.
This pic is me just testing the stills then video pics on a small video camera we have which normally only surfaces around holiday time.
I had also decided to utilise one of our "many plastic refuse bins" as a store for the bird feeder food and determined to complete that despite the wet and blustery weather. We had been storing the food in the little greenhouse in the pic we use to sit in when the weather is cool. Another reason for this move was that mice had eaten through the bottom of a box of fat balls and most of the little nets had been eaten through , If they can get into this new container they can have em!
The rain finally beat me back into the house so I took this pic of the bin in position just now.

Sainsbury the cat followed me into the garden and shot up onto the top of the pergola - - - Hey! wait a minute isn't that a clear blue sky in the background!
So with the sun just hitting the West side of the valley its time to getting on and getting out to enjoy its rays - - --
- - - Our weather forecasting people are So good - - aren't they !

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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