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Friday 7 February 2014

Forget thy neighbour! & VIP visit at the fun factory

Here's an amazing story from down under

Natalie Wood's remains were found in her house in Sydney by police in July 2011.  No-one seems to have seen her since 2004.  She was apparently hospitalised for a while in November 2003 and her "family" were notified but had "no time to visit or make contact"
Only 2 people attended Natalie's funeral and one of them was a policeman who found her dead for who knows how long!
A sister in law is however staking a claim to the house worth £530k! - - - how caring! Strange though that no-one ever bothered to try and contact her in that empty house for all those years, definitely NOT a case of love thy neighbour! - - -

All hail to this rescuer in Bangladesh who plunged into a flooded river to save a "bambi" fawn
in the pic a young boy has jumped into the river and grabbed hold of it and thrust it above the water.
There's a lovely pic of him holding it once they both make the shore!

The Express doesn't let us down though in reminding us that today's bit of sunshine is only a temporary "lul".  Their headline this morning warns of a Mega storm approaching the UK tomorrow saying it will be worse than the one we suffered in 1987.

The Coronation St star Bill Roache is found not guilty of all the charges against him

The Mail asks how it ever got to court and it looks like the police who brought the prosecution are in for a hammering!

When i walked into the fun factory this morning i have never seen so many managers in there at 0700.  The whisper had gone round that a surprise VIP in the guise of the top HR bod was visiting us today.  With everything ship shape and Bristol fashion by 0800 when our visitor arrived we were out to make a good impression!
Hours later we were assembled in the warehouse and the visitor gave us her view of what she had seen.  Not a bad appraisal and the bakery and bread and cake isle had a particular good mention form her.  I couldn't hide my sarcasm though when she announced our CEO Justin King was "resigning"

  My comment was lost on the colleagues assembled and even she missed my utterance!
I had noticed in the news Justin's comment a few weeks ago that he "saw himself remaining at Sainsbury's for the long term" as detailed in this story
Jumping ship springs to my mind but hey! he's done a good job

 The burning question though is did rubbing Vick on Sally's feet help her sleep last night with her tickly cough?   There are many supporters as well as knockers of this theory.  Sally is now a supporter!!!!  Mind you she had a good dose of "Dight Durse" before she went to bed! - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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