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Thursday 6 February 2014

Scuse me madame your nicked & Vick on your feet for a cough?

This pic is a mug shot of Judy Lynn Hayman who escaped from a prison in Michigan 37 years ago
An inquisitive corrections officer dusting off old files because of the severe winter weather sent the fingerprints to the FBI who linked them to an arrested person in San Diego.
She had a false name but eventually admitted she was in fact the woman in the pic and the officers said those immortal words "scuse me madame your nicked!"  

The UK continues to "wash along" and there's a story today of the Main railway line between Exeter and Penzance being washed away
The track which runs along the "Dawlish sea wall" of Radio 2 fame when Bunty Bagshaw (Sarah Kennedy) was around looks decidedly worse for wear and will obvious;y take some serious repairing before its running again.  The reported storm last night sounded pretty spectacular here way inland and we had over half an inch of rain from around 1800 until 0200 .  Here's another link to some doom and gloom predictions about the atrocious weather "persisting!" - - -

I'm sure most people have heard about supermarkets having to charge for us using their plastic bags
MP's are making a lot of noise about "the public will be confused by exceptions!"
Makes you wonder why there are "exceptions" if we are trying to rid our land of plastic bags blowing around town and country why don't they just ban the things altogether.
However why is there any confusion?  if there's a sign over the stack of plastic bags that says 5p obviously there's a charge!?

Closer to home
The snowdrops in our garden are flowering but because of the, rain rain rain! they look a little downhearted.  Normally they are coping with the frosts and a covering of snow about now but they still look great!

I have had a dose of "man flu" No no no not a cold not just flu but "Man Flu" only males get it and as we (males) know it can only be disposed of with lots of TLC! Well i was just getting over my bout of "Man Flu" when Sally was struck down with a tickly cough and cold!

She had a pretty rough old nights sleep last night and during my shift today I sorted out a few medications as well as being tasked to pick up some Night Nurse from the pharmacy (or to the afflicted Dight Durse!) on my way home.
I was negotiating the purchases at the local pharmacy when the assistant leaned over the counter and said "I shouldn't maybe tell you this but" Wow I thought what's coming next! "Tell your wife to rub Vick on her feet my daughter tried it and it gave her 8 hours sleep".
Ok ok ok! look on the internet and theres are lots of people saying its bunkum! but just as many saying it works.  - - - watch this space!!!! lol !  - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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