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Saturday 15 February 2014

Got to be Gold & "the weather"

We watched the Olympics avidly yesterday afternoon after lunch out
this pic doesn't show what the weather was like from our favourite lunch spot The Grouse at Froggatt as we ate our lunch the soggy snow was battering against the windows.  As we left it was a windy rain swept car park that we dashed across to the van.
The Olympic TV was dominated yesterday afternoon by Lizzie Yarnold's attempt to get a gold in the Skeleton.
Sliding down on her Tea tray she beat the whole field
This Sky News story has plenty of facts about her rise to fame and the endearing comment by her as she was interviewed by the BBC
that she could not have done it without the help of all her supporters back home.  - - -

This story  continues to give the alarming results of the wet and windy weather we are experiencing
this car was hit by part of a falling building in London and unfortunately one of the two people inside it at the time was killed.
It also reports that a cruise liner passenger was killed when a huge wave in the English Channel smashed a window on board

The Express to day hands out some hope of a respite from the storms

For once lets hope their "headline" rings true.

The Mail  on the other hand has a pic of a number of storms "linked together" across the Atlantic all the way back to one giving the US and Canada 24 inches of snow right now!   - - -

Closer to home
Its looking like another "make & mend" day today with stormy weather predicted but I might try and get out into the garden in an attempt to finally clear up from the decking project and lay a couple of stepping stones to complete the pathway to the top of the garden

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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