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Wednesday 26 June 2013

Pensioners out in the cold? & The worm turns in China

There will be much debate and grumbling on the costa del whatever this morning looking at this story in the Mail about Osborne's attempt to stop Ex pat pensioners getting the winter fuel allowance .  This is just the start though of a raid on pensioners in general with bus passes and TV licences also on the agenda!

 Pictures of a puppy and kittens grace this story where the RSPCA claim people are just Abandoning pets amid the financial squeeze  I suppose lots of people do it, oh yes lets get a pet it'll stop the kids being in front of their PC's and TV .  All to often then its the misguided parents who finish up looking after the pets and realising maybe they have made an error of judgement. On the RSPCA I have for some time not been a fan of theirs - - too many hidden agenda's for my linking!

Careers advice - - be a lap dancer and earn 48k  or so go's the story from Sky News about the Welsh "government's" idea of getting youngsters into work. They also advise them to be strippers and escorts!  Half way down the article though there is a line or 2 about some minister appropriately name "Jones" who is "investigating the gaffe!"   - - - brilliant!

The Chinese industrial worm appears to have turned with this story from Sky News about a bloke called "Chip Starnes", he could only be American with a name like that!(sorry USA readers)  being held hostage in his factory there  With the unions in China growing ever stronger its looking like "there maybe trouble ahead" for more western businesses.  To give you an idea why the Chinese have grabbed a huge chunk of the worlds manufacturing, I worked once for a firm who made wheelchairs in the UK the cheapest we could manufacture them was over £100.  We finished up shipping them from China for under £50!

Finally nearer to home - - - the logging is moving along nicely
 I pulled whats left of the tree down the hill a little with Boris to be able to get at it easier
 We shall be moving this pile today up to the stash on the hard topped track 
  And the bonfire of the left over twigs is getting larger and larger.  I'll burn this once it dries out and the birds stop using it nearer wintertime.

In the garden the squirrel seems undeterred at me moving the tray and nuts around the feeder area
Here its using its tail and feet to keep it attached to the top bar while it leans under the grey tray to get at the nuts!

And this Jackdaw has realised it can hang onto the fat ball cage and plunder that!

Back to work for a weeks shifts tomorrow - - - deep joy!

Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  our live birdfeeder webcam

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