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Sunday 23 June 2013

Joint pain? try a nettle sting! & logging moving along

Its long been a fact that natures remedies for a range of our ills has worked quite well.  Here's an article in the Mail where there's an explanation why the various plants etc work.  I don't really fancy embracing nettles to get rid of joint pain as it suggests but there we go!

I mentioned in yesterdays blog about plants doing quantum physics! well Here's a follow up story from the BBC suggesting they can also do maths to regulate the starch they consume during daylight to last them through the night.  Scientists are "astonished" to learn that plants can do arithmetic division! Mmmmmmm

I've seen this story a number of times over the last couple of days but I'm still confused as to why putting the motorway speed limit up to 80 mph would "alienate women voters".  Each time I have read the story I cannot see an explanation for this quote?  Anyone care to enlighten me?

Showing ID  when buying booze or pills is covered in this little tale where most people challenged about their age are either pleased, annoyed or at best inconvenienced.  Its something that is covered every 6 months at my work in the local Sainsbugs supermarket.  Generally its the people operating the checkouts who challenge shoppers for ID if they think they could be under age when buying age related items.  In the training video a young girl gets an £80 fine and a criminal record for selling alcohol to an under-age person.  I always bang on about why doesn't Sainsbugs lead the way and insist everyone has to show ID in these instances but it go's nowhere.

Trying to get rid of one insect kills 50,000 bees in this story about how a pesticide sprayed on trees to control aphids kills all the pollinators visiting the trees as well.  Yet another case of introducing something to zap one thing without fully realising what it might do others!

The birdfeeder cam  cam is still proving popular with the bigger birds just now here's a pic of a magpie from a few minutes ago, who's going after just about everything on offer.

Finally - - - The logging is going well although it looks as though the rain today might put the brakes on for a little while.  Yesterday I finally cleared away the remnants of the first big tree I dropped and set about lining up the second.
My idea is to drop the left hand of these two trees first.  I'm hoping that it will just fall onto the edge of the bushes and then maybe roll down the hill almost onto the pile of chopped wood in the foreground.  Its quite a straightforward felling apart from the fact there are a couple of dead bits up in the body of the tree that could possibly snap off as it starts to go.
It fell the right way but because of the spread of the large limbs it didn't roll at all.  I'll remove the bits nearest to the wood pile first then pull it down the hill a bit with Boris.
Enjoy the day  
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