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Thursday 27 June 2013

I get a penthouse locker & slippy grass at Wimbledon?!

Fracking!  getting gas out of shale! sounds fine but for some reason lots of people are up in arms about the way the gas is recovered.  The Americans have been Fracking for years and the price of gas has "plummeted"  sounds good to me.

Back to work today and I at last moved into my "penthouse locker" .  We all get the standard locker that needs a shoehorn to get your stuff in.  But the way the locker blocks are designed the top most ones have a sloping roof which is obviously meant to stop people stacking things on top of them.  So if you are lucky enough to get one you have so mush more room.  A colleague from the warehouse is off to join the Navy so I arranged to swap my key for his the day he left.

Work was its usual round of challenges with a new procedure to be wrangle with but nothing mind blowing.  Rice Mirin which is a sweet rice wine used for cooking was my best spot today.  A couple of girls from the customer services were searching for it and for whatever reason it had been moved from the "speciality" section it normally resides in.  I finally found it nestling in amongst all the strange vinegars!

I managed a bit of DIY once I got home modifying our rain cover over the steps at the back of the house,  a very satisfying outcome.  You know what its like when you are attempting a fiddly job you always expect it to take forever but this one went very well!!!

I liked the story in the Mail about a Lamborghini getting towed away it is reportedly owned by  a member of the Quatari Royal Family!  worth a look even just for the paint job!!

Finally - - - I cant believe all the press the slippy dangerous grass courts at Wimbledon are getting.  More than a handful are calling the courts dangerous where they have been injured falling over.  The club officials say the preparation has been no different from any other year but a number of the players are not convinced.

Enjoy the day  
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