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Friday 7 June 2013

Its World Oceans Day tomorrow, I wonder if they know!

Quite a nice article by the Telegraph about a 12 hour " live" dive today on the Great Barrier Reef.  Its going to played live on the net and you can ask questions as the dive progresses.  Its being timed to coincide with "World Oceans Day" Worth a read and maybe a peek at the dive link 

Another ecological disaster looks to be on the horizon this time in Liberia where the current President has sold off logging permits for 58% of the countries natural rain forest.  Mrs Sirleaf ( an odd tree related name) the President, won the Nobel peace price back in 2010 I think she should give it back!

Apparently Egypt and Ethiopia might be headed for conflict over Ethiopia's plans  to complete a dam to divert part of the River Nile's water to help irrigation and hydro electric projects.      The Egyptians are complaining Egypt is "Demanding that construction is stopped" and has suggested that "all options are open" to stop it.  They seem to have forgotten their own Aswan Dam project back in 1960 to 1970

Nearer to home there's an article in about how useless our politicians are I don't think we need too many reminders of this but it focuses on how Labour racked up our national debt and how the current Government hasn't the balls to do anything about it.  Not a riveting read but worth a look.

A forward look at the weather for the Snowdon walk next week has made me change it to going over on the Sunday with a dawn ascent on the Monday.

Finally - - - Back home we continue to have the sunny days and try and get a couple of hours in the garden each day.  Today's busy itinerary includes logging, painting the porch, changing the filters sponges on the pond filter and sitting in the sunshine.

3 pics to finish

The River time lapse view was stunning yesterday

Our Laburnum tree in the front garden is at its best just now

And this Azalea on our tp terrace is almost there with its display.  We intend moving this into the front garden in Autumn/Winter as its outgrowing this enormous pot
Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  our live birdfeeder webcam

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