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Sunday 9 June 2013

Another Snowdon accident & Logging a new area

With the good weather yesterday I managed to finish off the annual job of painting the porch out the front and the kitchen window frames at the back of the house.  Its a job that needs to be done each year to stop the weather getting at the wood and rotting it away.  We normally don't get the weather to attempt the job until July so at least its out of the way for another year.

With that job done I went off to our logging area and started this years project in earnest.  I'm essentially going after a small number of large-ish trees but need to remove quite a few small hawthorn trees and bushes to be able to get at them
I'll be removing almost everything in the pic except the lone Holly tree on the far right which is a favourite of our friend who owns the land.  I pulled down the one on the bottom edge of the copse yesterday to get things going.
The idea then is to reduce it to firewood sized bits a move it up to the hard topped track and stack it up to dry.  I have previously stacked it where its been felled but trying to get to it in winter to replenish our wood store is virtually impossible as there are no real tracks on the steep terrain.

 Finally - - - I'm about to get all my gear together today for my walk around the Snowdon horse shoe tomorrow and I notice in the news this morning there's a report of an accident  yesterday on it.  A group of 4 were attempting the 15 Peaks route and had overnighted on Snowdon summit.  On the descent of Crib y Ddysgl one of them fell 60ft and eventually was choppered off the mountain to hospital.  The area where the accident happened is top right in the pic below.
I'll only use this route tomorrow if the weather is clear otherwise I'll more than likely walk down the pyg track which can be seen in the middle of the pic.

Enjoy the day
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