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Thursday 20 June 2013

An idea for the bird feeder & Dreamliner nightmare?

I happened to be looking through the window up at the birdfeeder area this morning and noticed our resident squirrel chasing away the local jackdaw troop that raid the feeders every morning.  It struck me that all this was invisible to the live webcam  I imagined that if I moved the camera to the other side of the feeders and a little farther away all this "action" might be in view.  Its raining today so logging looks to be out of the itinerary, I might try moving the camera! 

Talking of logging I managed to get the first of the 3 large trees in the project down the other day 
The way the tree is leaning means its only going to fall the obvious way.  I have removed "the wedge" which will normally ensure a clean break as I saw directly towards the gap from the other side of the trunk.  The danger here is that as I make the cut the trunk could split due to the lean and a long piece of the trunk can flick up and catch me. 
Similar to this kind of pic.  People have been killed by this type of thing.  

Anyway all went well and its down and ready to be cut up into firewood

A couple of grizzly pics in this story from the Mail about 2 criminals in Kuwait being hanged in a car park just outside the prison they were being kept in.  Tough justice i suppose but having it out in the open really says this is our justice system and it works for us.  Rather than like ours which seems to be dictated by do gooders and a fair amount of EU bullying.

I think this story once again from the Mail is quite funny.  Its an article about what makes women feel good basically a list of 20 things that will make a woman feel good about herself.  Worth a read especially for the "younger man" hoping "to score!"  I wonder how long the list would be if it were a "mans" feel good list!  I always remember seeing this written on a toilet wall, "How to deal with women and kids - Just bullshit your way along!" Wise words or not? - - - I wonder.

Finally - - - A Boeing dreamliner flight has turned into a bit of a nightmare having to be diverted on a flight from Denver to Tokyo to Seattle because of an "oil filter problem" Still better a diversion than ending up crashing! I always remember back in the 50's the De-Havaland Comets seemed to fall out of the sky's regularly but still they carried on flying them?

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  our live birdfeeder webcam

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