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Saturday 22 June 2013

Floods all over the world & a baby called North West?!

Although the weather outlook was a little grey yesterday we managed a joint effort in moving some of our future firewood from the felling site up to the "stash" site on the hard topped track.  Here's a pic of the "stash" growing larger.
I hadn't realised I was in this picture standing on Boris's bumper and in the reflection from the windscreen.  The wood pile is coming along, the idea is to build up the front "wall" by a couple of feet and then just pile up the rest behind it, the water will hopefully run off the front onto the track once its covered to dry out.

You know how "celebrities" seem to have odd names for their offspring, I had to smile at this one from the USA.  A pair of celebs have named their baby girl "North West"  Thinking of how some of them have used the name of the city where the child has been conceived I wonder if in this case they were "facing" North West at "the time!"  The name doesn't really surprise me though when you look at the parents names "Kardishian & Kanye! Mmmmmm

Apparently the BBC has a weekly readers pictures theme and this weeks has been on the subject of flight, some very nice pics.

 Plants seen doing quantum physics trumpets this article about how plants "gather packets of light called photons" which is then "converted with,  "extraordinary efficiency" I think that means "growing" to us mere mortals! interesting text though.

Spam is a bit of a pain in your "In Box" but here's a way of dealing with it, big time!  A bloke finally has enough of being bombarded by one particular company and after "ticking the boxes" for a "Small claims court" action gets £750 compo and costs

Back to the weather once again, well I am English!  Our weathermen look to have not quite got it right today forecasting cloud and rain and at the moment the earlier complete cloud cover has given way to wall to wall sunshine so its "logging time!" Unfortunately though not for these people in Canada 75,000 people evacuated from their homes in and around Calgary!
In India as well Monsoon rains have caused a number of deaths, one of the factors seems to be that the rains have come earlier than expected and are much heavier too.

Finally - - - I have moved our birdefeeder webcam once again in an attempt to get more shots of the various critters using it and have picked up the following pics this morning.

On this one the squirrel is reaching down to get a nut out of the feeder 
 As soon as it gets one it sits on the top rail to eat it.  

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  our live birdfeeder webcam

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