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Monday 24 June 2013

NEW TIME LAPSE VIDEO! & No joke for the boat race protester

With the weather being decidedly soggy yesterday I spent some time making up a new time lapse video from all the pics I have been taking of a "View Across the River"  The link will take you to a picasa web album where you just need to click on the single picture to start the video.  Its just shy of 2 minutes long so wont take much of your time.
As I mention in the "description" the weather and foliage changes are quite easy to see but the river level and what's going on in the field over the river might need a couple of views before they are seen. Here are a couple of pics from the video. showing the stark difference between winter and summer.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago the BBC programme about a small village in the south of England where a number of cats were fitted with tracker devices and some with cameras to record where they went and what they got up to.  Here's a follow up from the Owners point of view  There are some funny and interesting stories in there!

The bloke, who happens to be an Australian, who disrupted the 2012 boat race now wishes he hadnt!,he's being refused a continuation of his visa to stay in the UK.  Its seems a bit harsh and coming so long after the event so to speak.  Not a wise decision for him to go for a swim in the Thames on that day!  His reason for protesting seems to be that "he regarded the race as elitist"  foolish person!

Finally - - - The curse of the Pharaohs so often seen on any number of films seems destined to continue when you read this article.  A small statue in a Manchester Museum turns on its base without anyone touching it!  Mmmmmmm

Enjoy the day  
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Or this one just to see  our live birdfeeder webcam

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