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Tuesday 24 September 2013

Update your icons & challenging times in the shop

We've been to the moon and mars and we have a couple of spacecraft that are out of our galaxy.  We do however also find time to discover things in our own backyard we didnt know were there?
Its a tailorbird
The BBC story relates that this bird has been discovered not deep in some remote jungle but in the capital city Phnom Penh!  - - - methinks there might be a bit of an underlying message here!

In this story from the Beeb It asks "Is time for a new wheelchair icon?"
Its a story from America about a group of designers who want to "update" all manner of symbols. Ok do it but changing the symbol of a woman in a skirt representing a woman's toilet because "I don't wear skirts anymore"  - - - Come on!

An Old Volvo that's done more than 3 million miles  Sky news story
Mind you that's American miles, arn't they shorter?  Not bad for a 1966 model though
On the other side of the coin though should old people drive? BBC story, I'm sure most drivers have been stuck behind older drivers who are driving incredibly slowly? although far to often you see the "younger element" whizzing along far to quickly at times.  I'm surprised to hear though that an older driver only has to say they are fit to continue driving after they reach 70 - - -

Another bird story here from the BBC makes me wonder a little.  60 years research
it would seem and obviously lots of £s into the bargain has lead scientists to state that "shier birds were found to be more likely to stay in the same flock while bolder birds were more gregarious"  Ok there must be more to it than that statement but isn't that rather obvious and "normal"

Down at the fun factory (Sainsbugs Matlock) things have been rather amusing at times.  I was on my knees stacking a lower shelf when an elderly lady approached and peering at me over here glasses said "Oil?" "Engine or cooking" I shot back with a smile!
Another elderly customer asked "Where's your paste? it was all I could do to hold back the obvious repost, "wallpaper or sandwich?", as i pointed to the shelf next to his left shoulder!
A lady, using the term guardedly! approached and was obviously irritated that all the "in store bakery shelves were devoid of produce".  I knew they were as a colleague, "Lets call him Dash around Dave" was all alone in the bakery that morning.  Why he was alone remains a mystery as I couldn't be bothered to follow up on such an error in the organisation.  Gesticulating maddeningly at the bare shelves she berated me about wanting "Any of these!"
Attracting the attention of Dave, he enquired of me, gesticulating (also!) at the cooling rows of loaves, "Large or small?" Fast becoming agitated myself at the ridiculous situation I was in of, "talking but not actually communicating" I relayed the request only to receive "Which one?" from the customer.  I turned away at this point and counted to 5 on my fingers before turning back to face her, wanting to seriously tell her where I would like to poke her loaf! If she ever got to choosing one!  At this juncture Dave appeared and carried on the conversation as I slunk back to my duties in the main bread isle.  He was later to relate how "B rude she was!" hey ho all in a days work.
I met the new "Fresh" manager colleague "lets call him John" yesterday.  A likeable chap, young, fresh faced and eager!  I don't envy his job in the run up to Christmas which will this year be more manic than usual, our store is becoming ever busier, the list of items customers can pre order is larger and we have no where to store them, and I'm almost certain he will be too big for the "Turkey costume" worn so elegantly by his predecessor!

Finally - - - The Tesco supermouse story is widely reported, this one from the "Independent"
 Health inspectors found this and other "rodent corpses" in the Covent Garden store where it appears this had been a problem since March 2012 - - - Mmmmmm

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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