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Friday 27 September 2013

Asda shoots itself in the foot & settling into Autumn.

Could anyone at Asda have been so stupid to have agreed that a Mental patient halloween costume was a good move
Well - - - yes because the people at Tesco introduced a Psycho Ward costume.  Methinks it must have been a veeeery slow day in the research and development department again.  Whats wrong with the "normal" Halloween bits and bobs?

The 2 drug smugglers "cant do right for doing wrong"
 First one then both of them plead guilty to avoid a trial and harsh sentence.  Now the authorities in Peru are accusing them of lying in their first statements and want to go back to stage one and want the names of the "other gang members" .  Hey ho, message is don't do it in the first place?

Living on a desert island has its appeal as this story BBC story relates
Its Christmas island part of Australia, in the Indian Ocean!  We and the US tried to blow it to bits in the bad old days of nuclear bomb testing but it managed to survive.  The story relates a number of people living there and what with all the mayhem goping on in the "civilized world" I must admit it has its merits!

Nearer to home its time for a bit of logging if the weather holds today.
Right now its looking a little cloudy but the forecast is saying it will be ok.  In the pic above our many headed sunflower, 30 at the last count is grimly hanging on as Autumn digs in.
These 2 Jackdaws are determined to get a couple of peanuts, strange that they dont go for the sunflower feeder seeds.
I posted a pic the other day with a goldfinch or 2 but was sent this in an e mail form my old mate Bulmer in Hereford showing 4 of them having a good old feed
Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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