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Friday 20 September 2013

Honesty really pays! & The gold finches are back

One of those stories that "refreshes" rather than reinforces your faith in your fellow man!  Sky News carries the story of a homeless man who found a backpack Containing $42000 and handed it into the police.
Glen James is the man and a fund to help him has raised more than £110,000 Power to your elbow Glen! we could do with a few more like you!!!!!!

Benefit fraudsters should be locked up!
Rant!!!!! A great story from the BBC about the new attempts to reel in the fraudsters.  Its a drum I like to bang because when I made redundant in 2008 having worked every single day since joining the army on the 17th January 1961 I was offered £15 a fortnight!!!!  I would shop anyone  I suspected!!!!!!!!! rant over!

We noticed late afternoon that we have a group of Goldfinches feeding on the niger seed feeder!! we haven't seen them since the early part of the year
The feeder on the left has 2 Goldfinches on it I filled it up for the first time this year after they left. Hopefully we will see more of the delightful birds in winter
Enjoy the day  
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