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Friday 6 September 2013

Its a Sun boat & local stuff

There are some really stupid ways of recruiting people for such mundane jobs, this story from the BBC about getting a job at Curry's takes the biscuit!!  My take on the humiliation is they are trying to ensure you will do "anything" once you get the job.  There's mention of a call centre group having to join a "singalong" to satisfy some bosses thirst for control!  I remember working for the "Prudential" once and at a particularly large meeting we were all meant to "singalong" - - - I left soon after!

A Sun boat!  - -  powered entirely by Solar power
What a fantastic looking craft.  The idea is to circumnavigate the globe using only solar power.  I wouldn't mind having a go at that!

Spying animals!  a tongue in cheek story from the BBC with some great pics
Some of the text is wacky but believable if you are head of security  - - - I guess!

Down at the shop today I was approached by a young lady who said, "where are the igs?" I immediately replied "igs you must be a South African?" completely forgetting that the Aussies and the Kiwi's pronounce the "E" as an "I" she turned out to be a Kiwi and went on her way with a smile.

We managed yesterday to erect the fence at our eastern boundary in the garden which is now bordering the Peak organics land
 Here I am getting the fence posts into line, thank heaven for postcrete!
 Sally lines up the uprights and I secure them
Here's the view from the Peak Organics side - - - not too hideous! 

Finally - - - The signs of Autumn are advancing!  The Swifts are long gone but the swallows and martins are still around but not for long methinks.  Here's a pic in the garden of a 20 headed sunflower!!! we normally only get the familiar single ones, I must get some seeds from it to see if we can get a repeat next year! 

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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