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Sunday 1 September 2013

Pusillanimous are we! & a little logging

I forgot to update the "latest entry" title on the website yesterday so some of you might have missed the entry, "Special relationship" - down the pan & this and that" - - - see it below this entry

I know we have sharks in British waters but didn't realise we have 50 species
This Sky News story relates that tighter EU fishing catch limits need to be introduced to safeguard the dwindling numbers

The Church of England's boast to "compete Wonga out of existence" seems to have gone awry after the company reports record profits of more than £1m a week according to this Sky News story
Ah well the Church's pension fund, which is a Wonga investor, according to the text, will have received a boost!

Andrew Roberts of the Mail has penned what appears to me to be, almost a reply to the Max Hastings article in the same paper yesterday!  Hideously amoral little England has stepped through the looking glass" screams the headline!
He like Hastings article also harks back to WWII and even has a shot at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics!  It all boils down to us being gutless for not interfering in Syria.
hot air in the commons last Thursday at the vote
As ever the last paragraph has the cruelest barbed comments
"Welcome to the most morally vacuous, pusillanimous (had to look that one up!) and self indulgent generation for half a millennium, to life through the looking glass.  - - - Don't hold back next time Andrew!

Nearer to home - - - The other day I opened up a stash of wood which has been covered since late 2010.
 Well and truly dried out after all this time it should burn well although my practise back then of chainsawing some of the trunks into foot long or larger chunks came back to haunt me.  Trying to split some of them into firewood sized bits proved impossible and I had to chainsaw them once again to be able to split the wood!
The wood wasn't for our consumption this year so I think I might have a go this winter to reduce the lumps to firewood!
I did a couple of hours up there yesterday and on the way in Napkin the pet sheep decided to try and eat a bit of Boris our Defender
Having taken some wood out of the stash the other day mother nature's magic had been at work when I uncovered it yesterday
These Glistening Ink Caps (coprinus micaceous) had already started to grow!

We are hoping today to complete the purchasing of the land at the top of our garden which we have encroached on for years.  I had a brief discussion with Jenny one of the Peak Organic girls about it  yesterday and just need the other, Vanessa, to make sure we aren't buying a bit we already own.

The land registry documents I have discovered are not the definitive on boundaries which seems very odd to me.  The official boundary, so go's a text I found should be "the responsibility of the owner who divided the land into the present parcels.  We thankfully have an air photograph showing a fence on our land put up by the bloke who chopped the gardens in half years ago.
 A little difficult to see on this size of pic but our fence indicated by the left arrow is 8ft further back than the one indicated by the right arrow.  The land registry document the girls are using shows the fence line to be continuous from the latter fence.  I'm sue we will come to an amicable settlement a a cheque exchanged!

Finally - - - wanting to see more of the visitors that strut up and down the rail that all our bird feeders hang from I modified the length of the sunflower feeder yesterday allowing me to raise the camera angle slightly.  Thankfully it seems to be working 

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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