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Thursday 12 September 2013

Another miracle cure & I think it might be me?

Sifting through the front pages of the UK newspapers this morning, one of my favourites for castigation has yet another statement bordering on a miracle cure to beat a health problem. "Drug to beat Alzheimers" shouts the headline.  Go to their website and even in the health section there's no sign of the story? Mmmmmm

A great story from sky reports Injured grizzly mauls hunter
Its a simple story really, "Hunter shoots grizzly", Grizzly gets a little tetchy at this and "attacks hunter"  sounds fair to me!

Another hunter story although this time a hunter of sound
This guy, Chris Watson is the one who works on all the David Attenborough natural history epics.  I hadn't realised he started out in a "pop group" before training to be a wildlife field recordist .

Careers advice is failing in schools says this BBC story.  I find this a little disturbing in as much you would have though by now that preparing youngsters for careers would be a a simple procedure.  Harking back to my own schools career advice in the very late 50's.  On telling the teacher I was joining the Army the advice I got was "you'll regret that!"
Here I am a couple of years later in the Kyrenia Pass in Cyprus as a young Artillery Paratrooper.  Regret it? not a bit!

Having done my last shift at the Fun Factory, Matlock Sainsbugs yesterday I'm looking forward to a week off! During the early part of the shift the customers were "very challenging" and I got to thinking "it might be me!".  A couple of people seemed incapable of explaining what they wanted.

First challenge - - -  a man approached with a frown on his face asking for, in a halting manner, "BBQ Sauce".  I ran through the script of repeating what he wanted, getting the signal back from him and then directing him to the far end of the shop, finishing off with,  "would you like me to take you", negative grunt reply and off he went.
Some minutes later I heard a voice, "No its not there".  Turning around the same man approached and knowing full well the BBQ sauce was there we then had a very odd conversation.  He seemed unable to get the words out and made unintelligible noises at which point I explained if he couldn't describe what he wanted I couldn't help him.  After a further five minutes it turns out he wants one of those marinade in a bag packets.  I take him to them this time and even though there are any number on offer he still leaves without buying one!!!

Second challenge.  A lady approaches and asks for,  "some of those square things for making sandwiches", wanting to say "bread" I manage not to but give her a quizzical look at which her partner joins in and they both attempt sign language by making square signs in the air with their hands!  It takes another 30 seconds for me to get to the root of the problem when I realise they mean the Warburtons "Thins" which in fact are not "square" but "oblong"  - - - "Is it me?!"

Finally - - - Our weather has been reminding us that we are "a green a pleasant land" only because it rains so much! Having said that I think we could stand any amount of rain now until winter comes after such a lovely summer.  Our friend Sharon from Canada gets ever closer to visiting, no doubt she will have a tale or two to tell!
Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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