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Thursday 5 September 2013

The falling toast conundrum & "A bountiful collection of local stuff!"

The weather this morning is very foggy with the vis. down to around 150 metres, this pales into insignificance when you look at the snow in Peru
I blogged earlier about snow in the Atacama desert but this latest snowfall looks to beat that. Question - - -you would have thought the person in the pic could have got a lift in one of the plentiful line of vehivcles?   - - - or is it a lorry driver!

The smartphone technology took what can only be described as a "loony turn" lately.
Here's the Sony example - - - Me thinks the R&D of Sony have way toooo! much money and not enough projects!

Ok we've all done it, you are spreading, Jam or whatever on your toast and it decides to jump off the plate onto the floor.  It only takes a moment to "descend" but your mind races and you are thinking "will it it just for once land jam side up!".  Fate, usually decides a big fat "no"! as the Jam side, now face down picks up all the indescribable things that really shouldn't be on my "clean floor"
Not so! say the geeks in this story from the Mail.  They claim its to do with the height of the table and to stop it happening the table needs to be 8ft high!  I think the geeks here should apply to join the Sony Corp!!!!!

Christmas stuff in next week! said my boss, lets call her TracEy as we sauntered across the car park yesterday.  It is the most profitable time of year and I'm convinced the planning for Christmas 2014 is already under-way but we still need to get Halloween and bonfire night out of the way surely! 

Not so!, (again!) as I cast a weary eye over the shelves I notice that the "mince pies" have taken on their Christmas livery already 
On my way out that afternoon I snap this pic wondering how many of the blighters we will sell this year! 

Wandering up to the warehouse I notice a colleague, "lets call her Rachael" who it has to be said has recently had a really bad hair cut!  She employed the services of a "mobile hairdresser" who cut her hair with, I suggest a cunningly disguised set of blunt hedge clippers.  It took another visit to make the job look only half as bad so its something I notice when I see her during a shift.  
But wait a minute, what a strange, attractive "hue" her hair has today!  Sacre Bleu  though!, its THE SAME COLOUR AS HER SAINSBUGS UNIFORM!  See dodgy pic below taken without a flash in our windowless warehouse
  She admits to being mortified at the discovery when putting on her uniform but I still rib her all day about it!  

Finally  - - - After work it was another trip over the hills to Chesterfield to get some more wood to enclose our newly purchased bit of garden.  On the return journey i was descending the particularly steep and narrow road into our valley when a huge rock detached itself from the wall at the side of the road right in front of Cyril my van.  
Too late to swerve as vehicles are coming up around the corner approaching, Bang! I hit the rock and Cyril's left front tyre takes the hit! 
Here's the hole the rock made in the side wall of the tyre!  pretty impressive! I hope it makes for a bit of Coffee machine tittle tattle when its being replaced at a local tyre shop.  Sally has already sourced a replacement and volunteered to sort it while I am "fencing" today! 

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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