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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Costa Concordia upright & Sharon on her way home

It was rather a fascinating video to watch on the internet yesterday as the Costa Concordia was pulled back upright in the water.  Pic from Sky news story
Most people will have heard of the disaster in 2012 and the enormous effort to recover the ship.  Now that its upright I understand it will stay there until spring 2014 until it has been refloated and then it will be towede away for scrapping

Disaster texts sent to your mobile This Mail online story has a dramatic pic to it
It looks to be one of our attempts to destroy some pacific ocean atoll back in the bad old days of nuclear bomb testing.  The idea though of text warnings for floods etc sounds to be a reasonable idea and its being tested in a couple of areas in the UK.  Stand by for any number of claims for PTSD as a result!!!

This Mail online story is rather amusing but has a "big brother is watching you" slant to it. We have all been coerced into having a fleet of coloured bins in which to deposit various articles of rubbish by our local councils.  So some people will naturally ignore the "instructions" about what go's into wehich bin.  The story relates that "offending" parties will be "red carded"
and their bins will not be emptied until the "unsuitable" articles are removed.  Mmmmmm  !!!!

I mentioned seeing lots of butterfly's in our garden this siummer and this BBC nature article seems to support our findings.
I hadn't realised that a "big butterfly count" had been organised and the results are quite encouraging.  The weather this summer had a lot to do with the increase in numbers although experts mention loss of habitat as a contributing factor to dwindling numbers

Our friend Sharon from Canada left the area yesterday with only a "days shopping in London!" to go before returning across the pond.  One amusing anecdote is worth relating to express how her obvious intelligence is sometimes masked by her "dizziness".
We were taking pics with our iphones and I was trumpeting about how good the camera was on the handset.  "The flash pics are useless she remarked" and took a pic to demonstrate.  Yes the resulting pic was just grey with an obvious blob of light from the flash.  It didn't take her long however to realise that she had left the transparent protective covering on the that side of the phone when she bought it.  To be fair though she has only had the phone "3 years!" - - - so endearing!

Right then another day on the Peak organics project for me although the Autumnal weather might come along and spoil the party! Only 1 more day before i go back to a series of shifts at the fun factory - - - deep joy!
Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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