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Tuesday 10 September 2013

Silly bike or what! & time for change at the shop!

Sally has discovered a way of cleaning a tired old ceramic sink.  You know the thing, when it was fitted years ago it looked great.  Over the years it gets chipped and stained and starts to look a "little tired".  I had been on the point of suggesting a new one, until I saw the price!
However, on arriving home from the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) yesterday I was ushered across the kitchen to view an immaculate sink.  The mystery cleaner was some of that "Vanish oxy action" stuff used for getting stains out of clothes.  Normally reserved for the washing machine you can also soak stuff which Sally had been doing in the sink.  On flushing the stuff away she noticed  the sink was gleaming!!

Being left handed i was interested to read this story from the BBC.
 I remember vividly being made to write "right handed" at school because it was thought back in those days to be correctable.  This has left me with a fair amount of ambidextrous skills.  Unlike in the story I use scissors in my right hand and would use a golf club or cricket bat right handed.  When I started using a chainsaw all the controls are set right handed but it didn't prove at all difficult.  The story says left handed people die earlier - - - Mmmmmmmm

The BBC's week in pictures is worth looking at - - - my favourite has to be the pic of Buttermere lake in the Lake District.  must organise a trip up there soon!

As bikes go this just doesn't even look much like one
The BBC story waxes lyrical about Graeme Obree, a former World Champion racing cyclist trying to raise the current record of 83mph.  All the best!  I suppose its not a far cry from those bikes where the rider appears to lie on his back, a couple of which we have seen go past our house.  The strangest one though has to be a guy on a penny farthing bike!
This pic shows the "Tour of Britain" riders passing the house in 2005.

There had been a rumour that some of our managers at work, Matlock Sainsbugs" would be moving jobs in the company's bi annual manager swap around.  It was though a surprise to be met by one of them, "lets call him Paul" beaming a huge smile and informing everyone that he was off to the Crystal Peak shop in 3 weeks.
Another colleague, "lets call him James" is being promoted and will be chasing the vegetables around with his team.  The Bakery area where I work is ominously quiet with only the scuttlebut rumours about a change for our boss, "Lets call her TracEy" doing the rounds. - - - we shall see.

Finally - - - Sally is chasing the best rate for a few dollars on the Internet to enable us peace of mind to pay our next  (Feb 2014) holiday bill, should we wait or should we buy!!!!  the rate is edging upwards but could so easily drop again!  Today sees the final bit of our fencing project going up so what can we do next!
Our weather is now definitely cruising towards Autumn.  The Swifts are long gone and it will only be a few days before the Swallows and Martins follow them.  Sally has moved our furniture into its winter configuration with the 2 easy chairs in front of the log burner which has been on the go the last couple of nights!  

Enjoy the day  
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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