Here's an interesting story about the Amelia-Earhart-mystery . She disappeared while trying to fly around the world way back in 1937. An American teacher reckons to have found some bits of aluminium and part of a landing gear possibly from her aircraft on/near Mili atoll in the Marshall Islands - - -
Throw away your pills - - - well at least the branded and widely advertised ones according to this story. The article proposes that unbranded pills can do the same if not a better job of relief sometimes - - - proof positive though that whatever we see on the adverts we will believe to some extent - - -
nice warm Temp stat this morning
the weathercam however shows a grey cloudy sky and its raining quite well at the moment
undeterred a soggy jackdaw is helping itself to the peanuts. Yesterday while sitting in the garden early evening we saw 2 squirrels bounding around the trees. One came over to our apple tree and sat there looking at us as if we were stopping it from having a go at the birdfeeders, quite amusing - - -
Enjoy the day
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