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Saturday 9 May 2015

lots of "falling on swords & a busy day for us

with "failed" politicians falling on swords in almost every party the Tories plod on with their work of the last 5 years - - -

there's going to be an enquiry into why the predictions and opinion polls failed to deliver the correct result - - - why not just admit You were just plain wrong - - -

deciding the previous evening to do a Kinder Scout walk i was surprised how nice the weather was as i crossed the bridge just below the Snake Pass Inn
 walking on into the sunshine I picked an uphill start to the ridge way above me 
 around 45 minutes later i'm on the ridge with not a breath of wind and can hear a cuckoo calling in the forest way below me 
 A hare runs through the heather and can be seen on the skyline just right of centre in the pic.  It has just a little of its winter white fur left 
 10 minutes later i spot another in the centre of this pic completely devoid of its white fur 
 half way around the ridge and looking towards where Fairbrook Naze will lead me back down off the ridge 
 just down from Fairbrook Naze i take a rest stop sitting in the sunshine watching the Curlews wheeling low over the heather below me.  I'll avoid the obvious track in the pic through the heather because it is very boggy.  My route will cut off right at the bottom of this steep bit and descend down the re-entrant track  
 just onto the re-entrant track and looking back up to Fairbrook Naze the weather just gets better and better 
 this tree at 400m Alt has just about started to put out its leaves 
 while a 100m lower the leaves on this tree are enjoying the sunshine already 
 almost down now and i take a look back up to Fairbrook Naze 
crossing the bridge once again i finish and look back towards my start track winding its way up and around the spur in the distance.  Later on the weather, true to form and forecasters would turn very wet 
 the "new shed" is now fully stocked with all the items form the one at the top of the garden, we can dismantle that one and get rid of it and get on with preparing our "Sky Terrace" lol - - - 
 the anemometer for my weather station had been looking a little "awry" for a while so i decided to sort it out.  All the screws securing it had come loose and the wooden pole had started to deteriorate 
 sawing off some of my old windsurfer mast and with the anemometer fitted into the top of it i prepared to put it back up.  By now though it had been raining for a while! - - -  
 with Sally in charge of photography she decided to take pics of our unusual tulips 
 and a general shot of the garden 
 with the rain coming down a pace the job is finished 
we tested the new foldaway seats i bought in the morning under the new carport roof before retiring for dinner - - - such a busy day! - - - 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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