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Monday 25 May 2015

wild weather elsewhere & a grey day here

The Express has the headline banning EU migrants from voting in the In/Out election.  I'm not sure this shouldn't have been "on the table" right at the start - - -

Flash floods in Texas  are causing havoc after record rainfall amounts caused the Blanco River to rise more than 8 metres in an hour.  The US National weather service is also issuing warnings that more wild weather is expected as "Strong to Severe thunderstorms are forecast across a large stretch of the southern plains" - - -

 In India on the other hand there is an intense heatwave going on  in some parts of the country.  Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh recorded a temperature of 48c and the present conditions are expected to continue for the next 4 days - - -

Closer to home the weather has been dull for a couple of days and it looks set to continue and finish off the Bank Holiday in a similar vein
 mild stats Temp. once again 
 decidedly grey on the weathercam with not much hope of a sunny day ahead 
one of the problems with the data transfer was resolved yesterday when i spotted damage on the cat5 cable, i repaired it and its working again but the softwarec transferring the images is still playing up 
 the squirrel has a go at the sunflower seeds 
and this female blackbird looks to be enjoying the peanuts 
The Azalea is in all its finery just now 
as are the hawthorn bushes along the river 
these geese, Greylag i think flew overhead and then landed on the river as i walked by, i missed getting a pic of a heron later as it darted away down the river.
difficult to see but there's a fox being given a hard time by the cow under the tree as it tries to get at something it wants 

Enjoy the day 
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