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Thursday 7 May 2015

Swingometer day at last! & A Foxy jog

The Express still urges people to vote UKIP this morning - - -

This odd Mail pic fronts a story about 1 in 4 voters still undecided who to vote for - - - at least all the recent weeks worth of political promising is over just the "swingometer" to endure now - - -

Probably not a good thing with my "dodgy knees" but i have started to do a little jog in the mornings. I was lucky to spot a Fox running much faster than me across one of the fields and down to the river.  I'll not try anything too strenuous and just around the local fields until i get a feel of how the old joints will cope with the exercise! I'll give it a couple of weeks before trying anything approaching "ambitious!"

Nice morning and with the Bar. having shot up late evening and through the night it might be a half decent day 

The weathercam pic shows off a pleasant aspect forecasters are hinting at rain early evening but nothing early on 

Enjoy the day
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