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Friday 29 May 2015

Barrier Reef "in danger" & Laburnum in bloom

The Express headline should be read to the tune of "Tell me the old old story" this "deadly chicken bug"    story has done the rounds a number of times in the past try Googling it" While it is obviously a serious matter thorough cooking does kill the bug which is probably a piece of advice for many supermarket bought products.  I read the same story yesterday elsewhere and it was suggested not all the high street big boys had signed up to eradicating the Chicken bug problem - - - 

Interesting story  about Australia's Great Barrier Reef, overdevelopment pollution and climate change are blamed for a staggering 50% loss of the reef in just 30 years! - - - Unesco who formerly gave the reef World Heritage Status back in 1981 is now considering changing that to "In danger" - - - 

Closer to home even the weather is not what it should be for the time of year things around here look pretty good 
 Our Laburnum tree is in its full dress uniform right now.  The 2 posts help stop the Autumn/Winter winds blowing it over.  The garden is on a bed of clay and the routes tend to go outward rather than downwards.  We have lost the 2 previous tree to the winds 
 This mornings walk looked to be a bit of a "suck it and see" from the point of the weather.  As i gained a bit of altitude the rain was coming up the valley toward me (from the left) 
 looking West up the valley towards Bakewell i could see a downpour in the distance 
 some logging had taken place in this Haddon hall wood 
 high up now and the bluebells are still looking good here 
 up at our picnic spot now and I'm sheltering in the lee of a large pine tree as a small localised rain squall sweeps from left to right 
 descending now and the buttercups look great in this meadow 
 almost home now as the rain starts to be visible on the river surface  
 the Ransoms look ok on parts of the river path but here a lot are well past their best 
finishing the walk the sun is out again and the foliage is almost hiding the view across the river into the meadow

Enjoy the day 
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