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Wednesday 27 May 2015

EU Tax plot! & a few garden pics

The story behind the headline  presents a nightmare set of tax rules that the EU mandarins might impose on the UK! - - - one of the banner headlines promises a "new simple high fibre diet" will beat diabetes - - - some things never change - - -

the misery persists  in the US as heavy rain cuases flash flooding and a "state of disaster" has been declared in 40 Texan counties - - - the southern state weather forecast doesn't give any indication of this weather pattern subsiding yet.

The heatwave in India on the other hand looks set to break in the next few days at the start of the monsoon season - - -

Closer to home the data transfer issue with the birdfeeder and weathercam pics seems to have been resolved by me switching off the wifi and relying solely on the cable connection.  Its been running for 24hrs now without a problem -- - fingers crossed.

I had thought we might have a leak in the pond liner after watching the level fall a little too quickly for it to be evaporation
i had noticed a leak on one of the of the 2 outlets from the filter box beneath the brown cover in the pic some time ago.  the earth below the filter box looked sodden and on investigation an o ring washer looked to be the culprit.  Search as i did i couldnt find one to fit so it was a case of some duct tape and an old tube LS - X  leak sealer which did the trick 
  with an hour needed for the sealant to cure we lunched at the Grouse (nice pic of the buttercups) and i then re-assembled the connection - - - so far all looks to be well - - - 
the rather dull weather of late has not deterred the pond plants from flourishing - - - 
looking up the garden from the pond the bluebells are probably at their best now 
 i spot LM waiting for a bird or a mouse to appear below the birdfeeders
and the view from top of the garden shows its 6 a.m. and the sun is already on the hillside opposite.  The Iris plant in the foreground was ejected from the pond years ago to what used to be the far reaches of our encroachment.  It has never bloomed, after all this time though  it looks like this year we might get some from it! 
 quite a chilly feeling to the 5c this morning after the double figure mornings of late 
the weathercam shows a fabulous sky this morning.  The weatherfolks are predicting it will cloud over quickly but are divided about when the rain will come,  Metcheck 12:00, Met O 15:00, BBC 19:00 - - - we shall see 

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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