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Tuesday 28 August 2012

The tax man cometh -- again!!

You know what it's like. Or thinking about it you might not so I will expand the story a little. When you retire your income is less shall we say up and down so you expect not to get too many letters from the taxman. Imagine my surprise this morning to get a demand going back to the tax year 2007/8 from the bean counters in Cardiff. I checked my old documents and they "seem" to have missed a bit of detail so I rattled off a note. I just hope it doesn't result in a bigger bill. Watch this space.

John our "gardener" neighbours protestations about sorting out his tip of a garden are not "bearing fruit" as yet. In fact he seems to have added to the junk on his "courtyard terrace" with what resembles a water butt. See pic below

At work one of our more junior colleagues, lets call him "doh!" believed that to clean up an oil spill it was sufficient to spread it over a larger area with a wet mop then leave a "wet floor sign" before fleeing to another isle to carry on his work.
I cleaned it up and didn't even bother to explain to doh!
Another work anecdote:  Clocking in and out, a novel experience for me as I have never had to do it before in my whole working life, used to be easy. Press button for in or out bang in your "Clock Number" if you were going out it asked you if you were on authorised overtime, a little up arrow meant yes and a down arrow for no.  Job done.  Not long ago a curious "instruction" appeared above the clock about a "new method" of clocking in and out, I read it one twice and 3 times but it was no clearer.   The reason for the new method It would appear is that our more "challenged" colleagues would enter any number, date of birth, pin, or telephone!  this made accounting a tad difficult at the end of the pay period.
The "new method" is simple really even with the cockeyed instruction.  Hit in or out bang in your number and hey presto your name appears.  You then hit the old up arrow for "yes" that's me or the down to go back to the start and try "another number".  It  soon became apparent that once again our more "challenged" colleagues didnt know which arrow was for yes and no.  Some enterprising person then stuck a little bit of paper next to each button with Yes and No on.  This then threw me completely because being a tad "challenged" myself I kept pressing the little bits of paper instead of the correct arrow - - - what a stressful time it all is!  It did however occur to me that colleagues "more challenged" than I might not even know their names so whats the next move I wonder?
So dear reader with the stress of clocking in and out and the discombobulating experience of the tax mans demand this morning i fear i must away and spend an hour wandering the lonely corridors of the DIY shop as therapy!!!

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