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Friday 3 August 2012

Mists of Autumn fruitfulness - - Already?

Twas a morn of mists and dampness at 0530 when I arose to go to chapel.  Well not exactly chapel but at least across the road to take a pic of the field across the river which is to be my latest time lapse photo project, due for completion next summer.  Ah - - Summer did we get one?

So here is the fruit of my early morning labour

If you click on the pic you can see the sheep nibbling away at the grass left by the bailing machine which swept across the field a week or so ago.
Another reminder of the approaching seasonal changes are the raids on my bird feeders by the squirrels.  They visit quite often, when Sainsbury the tabby allows them some peace, but now seem to be on either the seeds or nuts almost any time of day.  I had just decided to include the pic below when my number 1 daughter Caroline, e mailed from her holiday in "Sisters - Oregon" that she could see the "raider" on the net.  Isn't technology a wonderful thing!  She asked if I recorded it and I must try and get a video as its a comical gymnastic display!

So here he/she is having a go at the sunflower seeds.  The first pic is early this morning, the other early in July when we were experiencing "the deluge".  Tomorrows blog is dedicated to "Our neighbour John, - who is not a gardener despite all his claims, with pics to prove it"  more anon


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