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Thursday 23 August 2012

"THE" Holiday is paid for!!!

It seemed like an eternity back in Feb or was it early March when returning from a holiday on Kurumba in the Maldives we booked another 2 weeks in October.  We were so knocked out by the place, even though it was our 3rd visit we decided to cancel our intended Aussie trip and go back.
I mean just look at this photo taken I must admit from their facebook page 

The place is just fantastic especially if you like to snorkel or dive, the house reef is second to none!  The place is run by a manager who strives for perfection and is never short of new ideas to enhance your stay.  He's backed up by an army of staff who know their stuff.  It must be a great place to work because some of them have been there for years.  So our excitement is building now since we paid off the balance for the trip yesterday, i know you shouldn't wish your life away but roll on October!!.  You can see the resort site from this link Kurumba site   enjoy.

Back to work for a week today and to hear the news my Boss "lets call her Tracy", managed to have a car crash on what is known locally as the flying mile.  Its a straight bit of road with a small crossroads on it and it seems someone toodled across the main road as Tracy was on it and had the right of way.  Several nasty bruises and sore knees later she's back at work albeit on light duties but still soldiering on!! 
My team leader at work "lets call her Molly"  is leaving her job to become a nurse, not something I would like to pursue but there we are.  So it will be another new recruit to "break in" when the short list is reduced to 1.  It appears the list is a long one, obviously they have heard what a "fine team" we have and they cant wait to join!

Another story from work a colleague from the fresh department, "Lets call her Debs" was relating the story of picking up the pet rabbit from its outside run to put it in the hutch for the night with her 2 little dogs looking on and obviously thinking the rabbit might make a lovely meal.  So she has rabbit in her arms and picks up one leg and over the top of the little run, picks up the other leg and catches it on the top of the netting or whatever.  At this point the Rabbit takes a little flying lesson as Debs lets it go as she does not want to fall and maybe squash it.  While she tries to regain her equilibrium, the 2 dogs are chasing the rabbit thinking it a great bit of sport.  So the chase ensues with Debs not sure which to chase first the dogs or the rabbit.  Peace is finally declared as the rabbit is secured and the dogs do not get the chance of a lucky rabbits foot each.   
So there we are much excitement both in and out of work - - - now where did i put my snorkel and fins???

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