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Thursday 16 August 2012

Cyrils an Amphibian!

Ok so we didn't pay a fortune for Cyril the little white van which replaced my beloved Freelander.  He had done 90k plus miles and was really quite manky inside when we got him.  A bit of T cut on the outside and a shampoo on the inside and he was "good to go".
Pic of Cyril with Sainsbury posing on bonnet

Well not really, he always had a, well, a kind of, pong on the inside.  Sally bought the fresh air whatsit that sits on one of the fresh air vents and all seemed ok.  Well again not really, if he'd been standing in the sun, which was unusual for UK this summer until a couple of weeks ago he definitely was a "bit whiffy".
I got him stuck on the mud one day when I was logging and in getting out the towing attachment you fit on the front noticed the carpet behind the front seat was "slightly wet".
I pulled out the carpet from the drivers side and the underneath was "awash" with water.  All i needed was a couple of koi and a water feature and a finer mobile pond you will not have seen!  Underneath the carpet  a huge 2" thick bit of foam which was soaking as well as some sound deadening material which was also soaked.
pic if sound deadening material "dripping" on the washing line

I noticed that there were a couple of holes drilled into the floor, obviously "designed" to allow the water to "flush out".  Unfortunately they were not at the lowest point so were "not that all effective"
Pic of holes "circled" and arrows pointing where they needed to be! 

I looked under the bonnet and quite plainly there were a number of holes that should have had plugs in, that didnt.  They were obscured by the windscreen washer bottle so had nor been seen before.
Pic of holes under washer bottle 
I plugged these and dried out the foam and carpets etc.  As luck would have it we had a downpour as i returned from work yesterday and having left out the floor covering I could see a bit of water coming in.  When I got home I searched on the net for "water in footwell of Corsa" and there were a "Plethora" of tales of woe.  People having paid over £400 to fix the leak and still leaking, home made options that didnt quite work etc, etc, etc.
A lot of the problem seems to be the seals of various bits bolted to the bulkhead that had failed and the home grown "fix" was "bath sealant" you know the stuff that go's around the edge of the bath that nearly always "starts to go black" at some point.
Wanting a "quick fix just now", that will probably never be rectified, or beaten for that matter i did the following.  Drilled holes at what is obviously the lowest points on the floor pan.  Plugged the obvious holes under the bonnet and "fitted a pond liner"
 Pic of pond liner "going in"
So there we are, no doubt I will have many happy hours fixing the passenger side in a similar manner!
What a swizz though, its obviously a design fault that has been around for years and is ongoing - - Shame on you "VAUXHALL"  well "OPEL" as it is nowadays.
On a lighter note getting rid of all that water should do wonders to the mpg!

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