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Sunday 26 August 2012

A rich vein maybe?

A colleague at work, "lets call her Debs" she of the rabbit and 2 dogs story, see the last blog entry, has again come up with a classic, she maybe a "Rich Vein" of stories for the future!.  Being the dutiful daughter she takes her parents shopping every Friday.  Just before setting off Friday last Dad decides he needs the loo and off he go's.  Debs and Mum go out and sit in the car.  Dad emerges from the house, walks straight past Debs's car and gets into the neighbours (who are also going out at this time) Debs then gets out of her car to inform Dad that he's in the wrong car only to get a dressing down for "parking the car in the wrong place "!

Work also supplied a couple of amusing anecdotes yesterday, a customer approaches me to say that all the bread on the "Free From" section is out of date.  Shock horror I exclaim and follow him to look at the offending bread.  It turns out the date is fine but a little confusing when you first look at it, being like this 28    (space space) Aug 12.  He took it to be indicating Aug 12.  Once explained he grabbed a loaf and beat a hasty retreat.
The second was a male customer clutching a basket and looking quizzically at "the list" obviously supplied by the  boss back home.  Without pre-amble he says "she's written orange biscuits on here, whats that then?".  Stopping only to say,  "I haven't a clue", because its not my list I take him to the biscuit isle and we peruse the shelves and he settles for "Jaffa Cakes" I must admit I always read through Sally's lists only to confirm what she has written as her writing resemble the meandering of an ink wet spider at the best of times.
The Bank Holiday weather in typical  fashion is drenching everyone with today being given as the best of the 3 days.  Next doors little girl is having a birthday party today so its screaming kids for an hour or 2 when I get home from work - - - I wonder if there's any overtime going this afternoon?  - - - .

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