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Monday 13 August 2012

Corpses all over the house!

Its been a habit to lock in the cats at night for some time now.  Especially since we lost one to a car accident last February.  A couple of times recently Sainsbury the tabby has failed to come in around 20:00 and its caused a bit of concern to say the least.  We finally sat down and realised that its probably safer for him to be out all night, less traffic about, because then he tends to spend all day asleep upstairs when the road is busy!
We have been finding the odd dead rodent in the morning, mainly mice on the kitchen floor and this only confirms that at least he does come back to the house during the night.  Last night though it must have been a bumper hunting night as Sally woke up to hear this strange squeaking.  Sainsbury had brought up a live one but then despatched it leaving blood all over the quilt cover!  When I got up to go to work this morning he was sat looking very proud of himself beside another dead one in the kitchen and I found a third in front of the log burner!
He certainly is making his presence felt in the local rodent population.  Here he is getting some hard earned sleep before going out to hunt for the night.
Almost finished my week at the fun factory and I found out that the opening at 09:30 on Sunday mentioned in the last post is because during the Olympics the Sunday trading laws were relaxed so now that its over I guess we will be back to normal.  I thought that we did exceptionally well in the Olympics both in the organisation and medal tables.  Pity the politicians couldn't run the country as well!
The attempt to complete the 15 Peaks challenge took another twist yesterday.  I was having second thoughts about spending money to have a guide for the 5 peaks needed to complete the challenge when I received an e mail from Ginny, the organiser saying the guide wanted more than we both thought had been asked for originally.  So I have backed out but offered to do it on the day (Sunday 16th Sept) we agreed but I will lead and navigate.  If Ginny doesnt want to do that I will go across to Wales and complete it one Friday.
And finally, I have had a couple of comments about the old pics I included in the last post and might put the odd one in future posts!  Most will be from my Army days to give you all a taster of things to come in "the book".
Here's a good one to start with, i'm intending the book cover to look something like this!

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