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Thursday 4 August 2011

Thursday at last

Its been a hot set of shifts down at the old shop but i'm not complaining.  We have been promised rain every day this week but it has always just missed us, none more spectacularly than yesterday.  I was sitting in the garden watching the world go by about 1600 and could see the developing rain away to the north west and west.  It must have been 2030 by the time a set of clouds rolled past away to the north with lightning and lots of thunder.  However having gone to bed with the hope of a soaking today dawns with a heavy dew some mist in the valley but still dry. having said that i have just been outside and a few drops of rain have fallen!

Some development at the shop with one of the old dears on the check outs dying.   She apparently fell and broke her hip and in the convalescing it was realised she had breast cancer.  A week later she died.  The shop has these "themed" days quite often where the idea is for the staff to dress up and the old girl always threw herself into these days with much gusto.  One of her more memorable costumes was as a pearly queen and there's a touching memorial picture of her on our notice board.

Sally is abandoning me tomorrow to go to her works do at the "Belfry".  Its always quite a big do as they (CCSMedia) have offices over the country  and this is obviously the annual get together.

We had a skype video conversation with our friend Sharon in Canada yesterday Temperatures in the 30+s over there just not comfortable at all.  Shes looking forward to coming over here in September it will be nice to see her again.

Right then today i must finish off my scribbled list of jobs from last week and go for a walk hopefully in the cooling rain.  I will post a pic or 2 later......

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