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Thursday 11 August 2011

Back to the fun factory

Ok back to work today and i'm starting half an hour earlier than usual as a trial.  My first job is putting out the bread and one bakery used to deliver around 10:30 so there was no point in starting before 7:00.  Now the 3 bakeries deliver early so for a week i'm starting at 6:30.

The weather seems to have turned into its pre Autumn stage with a bout of persistent rain, hey ho good for the garden

The sciatic nerve problem in my right leg seems to be subsiding, i have been stretching it and it just calmed down yesterday afternoon.  A good test will be work today.  Here's hoping it will be completely gone before my Snowden Horseshoe attempt in 1 weeks time.

My friend Deborah from work failed her Module 1 motorbike test yesterday.  After an initial text expressing her dissatisfaction she went to ground all day only putting a couple of comments on facebook (but not about the test) in the evening.  She's off to the coast for a week with the kids so will have time to get over it.

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