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Tuesday 9 August 2011

And so on to Tuesday

I managed to get the damaged garden wall put back together yesterday and increase the height a little.  So i just need to get some top soil from the top of the garden to fill in the extra space that has been created.

There's a bit of shopping to do, when I can also check if my colleague Julie is back at work after her weeks sick, wonder what was wrong.
I will pop up to the logging site and cover up the pile of wood I mentioned yesterday and try to make time to go for a training walk this afternoon.

Its only a matter of 10 days before I have a go at The Snowden Horseshoe, and I have been having a slight problem with the sciatic nerve in my right leg.  Here's hoping i can walk off the problem rather than aggravate it.

My friend Deborah has her Module 1 motorcycle test tomorrow and is very nervous at present.  Lets hope there's a happy outcome as she's cant wait to get a motorbike.

1400 log pile covered now for the walk.

1700 a 2 hour round trip up to the stone circle known as 9 ladies leaves my leg rather much the same as it was.  Must keep stretching as I think thats the answer rather then resting it

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