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Sunday 2 September 2012

Welsh 15 Peaks revisited - 2nd day Completion

The Welsh 15 Peaks Challenge. Our Team, Ginny, Camilla, Jo, John, myself and Adam our guide.  Were due to complete the challenge over the period 15/16/17 June 2012.
As I have related a number of times in the blog our team decided to abandon the 2nd day over the Glyders section due to the very bad rainy conditions. The weather report for Mon 3 Sept is very good so i'm travelling across to Wales this evening (sun 16:30 now) and go for an early start Mon.  I'm going to attempt to "blog as I go"  O2 signal permitting!

Heres a link to pics I will attempt to upload to a picasa web albumn showing my progress.
Welsh 15 Peaks revisited - 2nd day completion  

I'm counting Tryfan as done because we completed that on the day so will tick off the others as i go.  My route is up from 609604 (car park on the A5) directly west up to the ridge just north of Y Garn 947m.  North to pick up Elidir Fawr 923m then reverse the route back to pick up Y Garn 947m.  South then to pick up Glyder Fawr 1001m then East to Glyder Fach 994m.  I'll descend to the stile at 661587 where we abandoned and count the day "completed"

Way points where I will attempt to blog are,

Start 609643 started. 0630 weather very good

Top of Ridge 630597 0750. Bit chilly up here weather still good

Elidir Fawr 612613. 0850. On first summit fantastic view. Might not be able to blog much after the second summit due to no 3 G.

Y Garn   630595 0950 on y garn summit Weather still good although I can see some mist forming on snowden summit. Just the 2 glyders to go!

Glyder Fawr 642579. 1045 nearly up the hill to the first glyder Hard work!! 1055 on top of first glyder weather still holding but a bit of mist gathering in the valley below

Glyder Fach 653581. 1145 on top of the final peak just a bit of mist around. Making a run for the bottom.

Stile 661587 1215. At the stile we abandoned the second day. I think I can call the 2nd day complete now.!

Finish  659601 finally arrived back at my van at 1315.  Weather still wonderful.  A reasonably hard walk took lots of pics wihich I will post later today

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