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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Our "Gardener" neighbour has a lawn - - well nearly, and other bits!

I was having a break at work on Sunday having just texted Sally about the "state of play" of the shop when, "ping" a text arrived, nothing unusual in that you might think but the content was, - - - "Dynamite"
"John has turf" was the main thrust of the message with details of how a van had turned up and deposited the said article.
Readers might recall that John, our next door neighbour arrived a few years ago proclaiming that he was "a Gardener" of some note, waxing lyrical about his experiences.  To date he has taken a reasonably presented garden and turned it into a tip.  All in the best possible taste mind you with ambitious projects and grand designs that have produced absolutely nothing but weeds and a few holes.  however I digress - - -

So here it is then Johns pile of turf
 It will be interesting to see if it moves - - this year, if previous plans are anything to go by.  Sally suggested either laying it on the flat bit where it stands or maybe lawned steps might be in order.

Heres a pic of John's front "lawn" which i guess even if the above turf does ever get laid it will fast become a mirror image
Enough grass to keep a small herd of wildebeest going for a few days!

And so to work, On Sunday once all the bakers had gone there was only 1 colleague, "lets call him Mat"  behind the counter serving the creamy cakes and performing other duties.  I enquired about a lunch break and he said one of the many under managers would be standing in and if they didn't he would "close the counter".  This took me aback a little as he is rather a quiet unassuming young man.
At the appointed time, I was busy in the warehouse but came out to see the lights off and a handwritten note on the counter, "Closed" it said.   Time went by and only a couple of customers seemed put out by the sign and soon "Colleague Mat" returned followed swiftly by the under manager full of apologies!  - - - I fear there might have been a different outcome if the shop manager had been around.   He it seems had a severe case of man flu and had taken to his bed!

The weather yesterday was atrocious with rain for most of the day and I took a pic for my time lapse project and noticed the river level was up a good 2 feet above normal.  This morning I sauntered over there , through the cloud of cigarette smoke from the school children at the bus stop!, across the very end of the Peak Rail railway lines and stopped at my usual spot.  The river had dropped to its normal level and as I took my pic there in the field was a sheep on its back with its legs in the air.  I observed it long enough to see that it was dead and that the crows were already taking an interest in it!
 Such an odd position!  I remember recovering one in a similar position when I was training for the 15 Peaks but this one looked long gone!

Finally then, this mornings haul of rodents deposited , thankfully outside the house by Sainsbury our young tabby cat included a bat, a shrew and a pile of well, remains of what I could only assume was a mouse.  I often wonder why Sainsbury never appears to eat shrews.  I Googled it and found the answer. - - - - - - - - - - Go on you know you need to know now!

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