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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Boris has a roof over his head for the winter!

Since deciding not to sell Boris my wife's Defender we had been talking about building a car port to give him some cover in the winter weather.
So it was with typical lets get it done spirit we set to the task.  It took 3 days and a little help from one of our neighbours to get it finished and here is Boris parked up in it for the first time .

I need to move a bit of log burner firewood and he will be able to be tucked further in.  About half the structure is bounded by a wall one side and the wood shed on the other. Eventually we may have to fill in most of the open sides to keep the ravages of the winter away from him.

More dashing about today lifting a shed off the ground onto some tanalised bearers for a friend, a spot of lunch out and then back to move that wood I think.  I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow before its back to the fun factory at the local sainsbugs!

Ah! life's rich tapestry!

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