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Wednesday 19 September 2012

"Gardeners corner" or a day on the tip!

The transition between what has passed for summer and the beginning of Autumn seems to be upon us.  There is a definite cool edge to the wind especially when it comes from the North like it is today.  There are a few signs in the garden that the seasons are about to change.

So then "Gardening" fans lets take a look around John our neighbours garden and see the "fruits of his labours" since our last perusal on the 8th of August.  We have been regaled once again, and again, and once again! about the "master plan" for this lush green strip of  land but alas it does seem to be, - - -  "going its own way"!

"The coutyard" seems only to have grown a fine crop of weeds although the sign of Autumn is evident from the dying flowers on the budlia bush at the back of the "terrace".  The rusty alien landing craft in the centre has yet to turn itself into the rusty ford anglia we all know and love!

"The green house" terrace has not had a good summer,  it has produced very little in the way of bedding plants or fruiting crops.  I suspect its a case of bad positioning!

"The raised beds" area though has seen a little movement.  The square bare rooted bamboo, a little known patagonian variety, has managed to survive its lofty perch on the "raised bed" wall and looks set for another winter in the open.  The curious pyramid shape is a pile of cuttings taken from an area in the garden not seen by the casual onlooker.  Its apparent dumping on the "raised beds" area was a result of the, "gardener" not wanting to get stung by the nettles which were in a more suitable area for cuttings further up the garden.  

"The Conservatory terrace" which saw a lot of activity earlier in the summer seems now only to be visited to hang out the washing.  The only outward difference between this photo and the one I posted on the 8th of August are the number of chairs in the shot.  

Finally then a shot that is a little more pleasing to the eye! (double click it for high a high resolution picture)  This is a shot which is the basis for a time lapse video when my years worth of photos are collected in May 2013.  There are little signs of Autumn here , I took this pic yesterday.  No doubt this will change quite soon! 

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