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Wednesday 26 September 2012

The sheep is not dead! and the holiday fairy smiles down upon us

I put up a pic yesterday of what I thought was a dead sheep in a field across the river form where i take my time lapse pics.  I went to the river today thinking it would have risen and look good on the photo.  Sure enough the river was up a couple of feet but i noticed the sheep from yesterday as well.

Its legs were moving and it looked far from dead.  I jumped into my trusty van Cyril and drove up the river crossing the bridge a mile upstream and down a farm track on the other side to get within walking distance of the sheep.

When I got to it it was obviously trying to get up but was so fat it couldn't get off its back, see pic below
They often get like this, I mentioned righting one a few months and it could even be the same one as the flock it belonged to was just up the hill where I performed my last "righting"
After a bit of grunting and groaning, me not the sheep, I managed to roll it onto its stomach and fold its legs out to the correct place for it to get up.  After a few minutes it staggered to its feet and looking like a drunk wandered off bleating loudly to its mates up the hill.  A friend of ours always waxes lyrical about how stupid sheep are.  He reckons when they wake up there first thought is "how can I kill myself today?"

So there we are good deed done for the day!

The Holiday Fairy smiled upon us yesterday!  We had been playing e mail ping pong with Kurumba the Maldivian Island we are going on holiday to in a little under 4 weeks.  We had been trying to get the same Pool Villa we had in Feb.
After some initial confusion they confirmed our booking but couldn't promise we would get the particular villa.
Yesterday as I was on the PC an e mail from them popped into the inbox, here's the mail

Greetings from Kurumba Maldives! The date is approaching for you to arrive to your next home away from home J

Due to our continuous improvement plan, we will be revamping our Pool Villas during the dates you will be staying with us. I understand that you have specifically requested to be in Pool Villa number 184 for your next visit. We humbly request you to accept a complimentary upgrade into a Presidential Villa for your stay, which are very exclusive (just renovated and only 4 in number in the whole island).

Furthermore, we would like to offer you two 90 minute Spa treatments as a gesture of our appreciation and understanding. 

What a surprise, I sent Sally a mail with just "hold your breath" as the subject which brought back the reply Eh?.  When I forwarded the above mail she was shrieking all over the office! 

These Presidential Villas are $1034 dollars a day! and that doesn't include food apart from the champagne breakfast mentioned in the blurb below.
So the anticipation has been wound up even higher looking forward now to being shown around and using the Villa.  The blog will be full of pics when we are there!  Details of the Villa are in the pic below. Or you can follow this link Kurumba Pesidential Villa info 

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