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Saturday 15 September 2012

The taxman return-eth bearing gifts!

My entry of the 28th August explained how the taxman had sent me a bill for the last year I "had a proper job".  £252.06 was the princely sum he was attempting to recover with a mass of figures by way of explanation from years gone by.

As luck would have it I still had all my tax forms and the like and spent an hour or 2 leafing through them to find that "the taxman was wrong"! Armed with what i thought was the correct information I penned a reply and popped it in the post.  My confidence at what would return disappeared as soon as the letter left my fingers and fell into the post box.  Was I inviting him to a duel I thought!

A familiar brown envelope was behind the door a few days ago, you know the type, they make you groan because you know they are from "the taxman".  It appeared to have been written by the offspring of Sir Humphrey Appleby of the "Yes Minister" TV programme!  Sentence after sentence with little punctuation making it almost unfathomable.

The detail however made it clear that "they were wrong - - initially".  I went cold thinking that maybe they were out for revenge but No! their figures indicated either £35.15 too much had been taken or needed to be paid.  It finished with a simple more details will follow under separate cover!

I waited eagerly for the "separate cover" only to see 2 ominous brown envelopes on the mat today!  Rejoice! rejoice!  The first one contained a letter waxing lyrical once more but actually saying I would be getting a repayment!  It ended however with, once again that "more would follow under separate cover".

The second contained a cheque for the sum of £36.15 with a brief explanation that this was a repayment of income tax for the year shown above.  the letter ended with "My calculation of this amount has been sent to you separately".  I'm not sure why the cheque couldn't have been included with the explanation but I fear reprisals if I dare ask

As with the old adage "Beware Greeks bearing gifts", I shall view this refund with a "jaundiced eye" - - - Mind you as "the taxman giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other" I don't suppose we have heard the end of this yet.

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