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Thursday 8 December 2011

The corporate spectre is abroad!

Whew!,  survived another week at the fun factory on the way to Christmas.  Dont get me wrong I like the spirit of Christmas but you have to admit 99% of it is designed to part us from our hard earned cash.

Talking of cash, "a survey has revealed", this was on Radio2 news yesterday, that, "there will be X thousands of people who will take out a short term high interest loan in the next 6 months".  The newsreader then followed it by saying, "the survey also revealed that there are an increasing number of people who are concerned at their level of personal debt".   Come on!

Anyway I digress, back to the "corporate spectre" at Sainsbugs, a notice appeared that there would be a "Colleague Christmas fayre tasting on the 4th of December at 1600 in the store cafe".  The reason, there needs to be one? was the help that colleagues gave to the store during the 2 recent power outages.  Now stop me if I'm a cynic, OK OK! I am but hey we were at work the power go's off we carry on working?

I did think though that it was a fine gesture and made a note to attend as it would be "on" 1 second after the end of my shift that day.  About 1545 I saw one of the trainers going round the store filling a trolley with goodies, but wait! they were by and large the "basic" range of goodies.  Putting this aside I finished my shift and collected the usual bits and bobs on our shopping list, so its 1615 as I'm coming up to the open entrance to the store cafe.

I pause and scan the faces of the people there, they are not stuffing their faces with Christmas fayre they are sitting there like people with the pox in a doctors waiting room.  I notice colleagues I definately do not want to share the free fayre with.  I also notice that the "organisers" are still "organising", a full 15 minutes after the scheduled "start" of the event.  Still "paused",  I sweep the room once again staring into their "eager" pale faces, wave weakly to the assembled throng and leave thinking, is it me?

I muse on the Sainsbugs corporate spectre, dont get me wrong I enjoy the old job its simple you meet interesting people, both collegues and customers.  There needs to b a strong corporate grip on a company that big with so many outlets ( Thinks my old company Remploy could have done with the same stranglehold!).  But being as old and cranky as I am it does some across as a, "hoary old chestnut"

Finally,  we were given the Ho Ho Ho Father Christmas hats which "You must wear" yesterday.  Mine was dirty, having make up on the inside, i wondered if it had been male of female who had been wearing it last!

Finally finally, P. S the sales target for the last week before Christmas is £1.1 million so get your hat on and your arse in gear Michael its going to be a bumpy ride!!!  

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